프로그램 안내 [필독]학술대회 참가자 안내 [다운로드] 프로그램 & 초록집
11월 6일 (월)
11:00-12:00 Registration
12:00-12:10 Opening Ceremony
12:10-13:00 Lectures by Pharmacology Academic Award and Young Pharmacologist Academic Award Winners
12:10-12:35 Hyungshin Yim (Hanyang Univ.)
The Impact of the PLK1 Network on Cancer Metastasis in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
12:35-13:00 Se Jin Jeon (Hallym Univ.)
Identifying type 1 interferon pathway as an essential regulator of depressive behavior: Evidence from the individualized behavioral and transcriptomic data analysis
13:00-13:40 Plenary Lecture I Gou Young Koh(KAIST/IBS)
Exploring novel lymphatics for brain clearance
Chaired by Chang-Seon Myung(Chungnam National Univ.)
13:40-13:50 Coffee Break
13:50-15:50 Symposium ICardiovascular Diseases
Chairs: Sun Sik Bae (Pusan National Univ.),
Chang-Hoon Woo (Yeungnam Univ.)
Symposium IIAcademia and Industry Cooperation Session
(후원: 팜젠사이언스, 큐비디)
Chairs: Chan Young Shin (Konkuk Univ.),
Sang-Kyu Ye (Seoul National Univ.)
13:50-14:20 Sasha Mendjan(Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria)
Cardiac organogenesis
Mi-Hwa Oh (HK inno.N)
New Era in intractable solid tumor, HLA-G CAR-T Therapy
14:20-14:50 Junyeop Lee (Asan Med. Center)
Pericyte dynamics in diabetic vasculopathy
Marie Yeo (PharmgenScience)
Postassium-Competitive Acid Blocker; A Step forward in GERD Therapy
14:50-15:20 Hun-Jun Park (Catholic Univ.)
Therapeutic potential of 3D cardiac spheroids derived from human pluripotent stem cells for cardiac regeneration
Seung-Hoon Kang (QbD Inc.)
CMC Considerations for Biotechnology Product Development and the Role of CROs
15:20-15:50 Yoo-Wook Kwon (Seoul National Univ.)
KAI1 (CD82) is a key molecule to switch angiogenic milieu to quiescent state
Ju Yeop Shin (Raphas Co., Ltd.)
Introduction of the droplet extension (DEN) dissolving microarray patch and its application in pharmaceutical field
15:50-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-16:40 Plenary Lecture II Naohiko Anzai (Chiba University)
Renal tubular urate transporters as targets of drug development
Chaired by In Kyeom Kim (Kyungpook National Univ.)
16:40-16:50 Coffee Break
16:50-18:10 Symposium IIIPharmacology/Physiology Joint Session
Chairs: Koanhoi Kim (Pusan National Univ.),
Jae Boum Youm (Inje Univ.)
Symposium IVAdvanced Research Techniques
Chairs: Jinu Lee (Yonsei Univ.),
Hyungshin Yim (Hanyang Univ.)
16:50-17:10 Hyun Kook (Chonnam National Univ.)
Circular RNAs in cardiac fibrosis
Do Young Hyeon (Seoul National Univ.)
Single cell transcriptome analysis and its applications
17:10-17:30 Chang-Myung Oh (GIST)
Investigation of the protective role of bifidobacterium-induced Anxa1-expressing macrophage in an acute lung injury model
Seung Woo Cho (UNIST)
Precision targeting tumor cells by CRISPR-induced DNA damage
17:30-17:50 Hyoung Kyu Kim (Inje Univ.)
Novel therapeutic application of tetrahydrobiopterin in Cardiovascular diseases
Haeseung Lee (Pusan National Univ.)
An Integrative Data-Driven Approach Identifies CCR6 as a Potent Therapeutic Target Addressing Cancer Resistance to EGFR Inhibitors
17:50-18:10 Sun-Hee Woo (Chungnam National Univ.)
Regulation of local calcium signaling by mechanical stimulus in atrial myocytes
Jong Hyuk Yoon (Korea Brain Research Institute)
Application of Proteomics-based Data Science for Understanding Diseases
11월 7일 (화)
08:00-08:50 Young Investigator Session: Oral Presentation
Chairs: In Kyeom Kim (Kyungpook National Univ.),
Kyung-Sun Heo (Chungnam National Univ.)
08:00-08:10 Sang-Yeon Seo (Yonsei Univ.)
Massively parallel evaluation and computational prediction of the activities and specificities of 17 small Cas9s
08:10-08:20 Chang-Keun Cho (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
PBPK Model of venlafaxine related to CYP2D6 genotype and drug interaction with clarithromycin and paroxetine
08:20-08:30 Do‑Hyung Lee (Chungnam National Univ.)
GPR41 selective agonist increases muscle glucose uptake via Ca2+ influx and improves diabetic condition
08:30-08:40 Su Jin Cho (Konyang Univ.)
Rab25 attenuates colon cancer cell invasiveness through reducing EGFR activity and Snail expression
08:40-08:50 Da Jeong Nam (Kyung Hee Univ.)
09:00-17:00 SETUP POSTER
09:00-10:20 Symposium VPrecision Medicine
Chairs: Hoi Young Lee (Konyang Univ.),
Ju-Hee Kang (Inha Univ.)
Symposium VIDNA damage response and Genomic Instability
(주관: 조선대 악성암 제어 연구센터)
Chairs: Ho Jin You (Chosun Univ.),
Yong Kee Kim (Sookmyung Womens Unv.)
09:00-09:20 Kyung Ha Sa (Korea Univ.)
Comprehensive genomic characterization of Korean advanced pan-cancer patients facilitates personalized treatment
Hongtae Kim (UNIST)
The functional analysis of DDX41 in DNA damage response pathway
09:20-09:40 Jong-Eun Park (KAIST)
Building human single-cell atlas for disease modelling and cell engineering
Woo-Young Kim (Sookmyung Womens Univ.)
Role of HDAC6 in induced resistance of NSCLCs against radiation therapy
09:40-10:00 Seon Ah Lim (Ewha Womens Univ.)
Metabolic and functional adaptation of T cells in the tumor microenvironment
Younghoon Kee (DGIST)
Role of Polycomb epigenetic regulators in mitigating DNA replication fork stress
10:00-10:20 Jihwan Park (GIST)
Application of single cell mega-atlas in drug target and biomarker discovery
Jae Jin Kim (Hallym Univ.)
Bromodomain proteins are protectors against endogenous DNA damage
10:20-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-11:10 Plenary Lecture III Bon-kyoung Koo (IBS)
Acquired epithelial WNT secretion drives niche independence of developing gastric cancer
Chaired by Chi Dae Kim (Pusan National Univ.)
11:10-13:00 Poster Presentation (207-211호) and Lunch
12:00-13:00 Council Meeting and Lunch (평의원회, 202호)
12:00-13:00 Council Meeting and Lunch (평의원회)
13:00-14:20 Symposium VIIBiopharmaceuticals
Chairs: Seok-Yong Lee (Sungkyunkwan Univ.),
Min-Gul Kim (Jeonbuk National Univ.)
Symposium VIIISession for the Emerging Pharmacologists
Chairs: Jiyoon Kim (Catholic Univ.),
Seonghwan Hwang (Pusan National Univ.)
13:00-13:20 Beom Hee Lee (Asan Med. Center)
Successful Drug Repositioning for Rare Genetic Disease
Juhee Ryu (Kyungpook National Univ.)
The role of circular RNAs in vascular disease
13:20-13:40 Hyungseok Seo (Seoul National Univ.)
The role of TET enzymes in Cancer Immunotherapy
Somy Yoon (Chonnam National Univ.)
Overexpression of Protein Phosphatase 1 Regulatory Inhibitor Subunit 2 (IPP2) Impairs Intracellular Potassium Handling, Leading to Arrhythmogenic Events
13:40-14:00 Minwook Shin (Sookmyung Womens Univ.)
Divalent oligonucleotides are bioavailable in the lung and efficiently block SARS-CoV-2 infection
Joo-Hui Han (Woosuk Univ.)
Modulation of PANoptosis and metabolic disease by pharmacological approach
Min-Kyoo Shin (Seoul National Univ.)
Acetylated tau: A missing link between brain injury and Alzheimer’s disease
14:00-14:20 Sang Jeon Chung (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
CLDN18.2-targeting ADC for gastric cancers prepared by AbClick™ Pro 
Jihye Seong (Seoul National Univ.)
Optical sensing and control of protein activity for the study of brain diseases
Sang Won Lee (Hanyang Univ.)
First-in-Human Study of J2H-1702, a Novel 11β-hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1 Inhibitor
14:20-14:30 Coffee Break
14:30-15:10 Plenary Lecture IV Francesca Levi-Schaffer (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)
The Interactions between eosinophils and mast cells (THE Allergic Effector Unit) as the ultimate pro-inflammatory cross-talk?
Chaired by Sang-Hyun Kim (Kyungpook National Univ.)
15:10-15:20 Coffee Break
15:20-17:20 Symposium IXMetabolic Diseases
Chairs: Eun Ju Bae (Jeonbuk National Univ.),
Yoon Mee Yang(Kangwon National Univ.)
Symposium XMuscle and Aging
Chairs: Kyoung Soo Kim (Kyung Hee Univ.),
Jung-Hee Jang (Keimyung Univ.)
15:20-15:50 Seung-Soon Im (Keimyung Univ.)
SREBP-1c regulates hepatic fibrosis via regulating lipocalin-2 expression in NASH
Jong-Sun Kang (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Regulatory Mechanism of Neuromuscular junction homeostasis
15:50-16:20 Youngmi Jung (Pusan National Univ.)
Formyl peptide receptor 2 determines sex-specific differences in the progression of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and steatohepatitis
Mee-Sup Yoon (Gachon Univ.)
Development of muscle-enhancing therapeutics using mTORC1 targeting peptide
16:20-16:50 Tae Hyun Kim (Sookmyung Womens Univ.)
New roles of G12 family proteins in cellular metabolism
Hyeonwoo Kim (KAIST)
Decoding Exercise at Molecular Levels and Health
16:50-17:20 Dong Wook Choi (Korea Univ.)
Understanding of human diseases in fuel metabolism perspective using the state-of-the art-metabolomics techniques
Gyu-Un Bae (Sookmyung Womens Univ.)
Current Status of Drug Development for Sarcopenia
17:20-18:00 The General Assembly of the KSP/ Awards & Closing Ceremony

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